• A B O U T
  • P O D C A S T
  • I N T E R V I E W S
  • M U S I C
  • C O N T A C T



Q: Please introduce yourself

Hi guys, I am CJ Jeff, DJ producer label owner, and if I need to define my style in one phrase, that would be "Music for Dark Clubs and Sunny Beaches." 

Q: One person you'd dream to have a coffee with?

Morgan Freeman cause it's like your cool uncle that you wish to have. 

Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

Invisible, I will be everywhere and nowhere at the same time.


Q: If given the opportunity to create a film score, which movie would you choose and why?

That's a hard question. I would choose something classic, like Vertigo by Hitchcock. 

Q: Who has been the most influential in your music career? And who has been the most influential in your personal life?

I can say a couple of names like Legend, Dennis Ferrer, Carl Cox and Deep Dish, I was blessed to work with them in my career.Outside of music, my personal life, my family and my woman. They are always by my side. 

Q: Could you share with us your journey – the good and bad experiences that have brought you to where you are today?

To be honest, I never look back and see that as a journey. I always feel that everything starts today or, better, tomorrow. 

Q: Everyone goes through ups and downs, what’s one habit you adopt to push through the downs?

For me, it has to be reading books.  

Q: What is one pro work ethic that you would recommend to the readers/listeners?

Follow your heart, do whatever you believe is cool to do, and never wonder why not someone else did that before!  

Q: How has your music style evolved over the years?

I always move from house to techno and back. They're the best styles for me. People saying, "Let's go listen to Jeff," is the most significant to me - no music labels. No trends.   

Q: If you were to venture into another music genre, which one would you choose and why?

Trip hop, cause I love the mix of electronic sounds and Pop or Rock culture.

Q: Could you name 3 tracks that got you into electronic music and why?

I can tell you three artists, and there's no need to explain why:

Prodigy, Underworld and Massive Attack.
Florence and the machine – You’ve got the Love – Mark Knight Remix –one of the tracks of my early visits to Ibiza.

Q: Can you recommend a hidden gem in your home country that would be perfect for a rave?

Hit me in DM, lol!  

Q: Could you tell us about your upcoming releases and plans for the year?

I've already signed two big releases; more info soon. I can only say that you can listen to both in my recent sets.

Q: Can you share a fun fact about yourself that most of your listeners are probably unaware of?

I am a sociologist.