• A B O U T
  • P O D C A S T
  • I N T E R V I E W S
  • M U S I C
  • C O N T A C T




Q: Please introduce yourself

Hi guys, I'm Samuele Scelfo, DJ/Producer from Siena, Italy. I'm 30 years old, my passions are music, motorbikes and cats! 

Q: One person you'd dream to have a coffee with?

I would have a coffee with Valentino Rossi, without a doubt! He has always been my idol, I even have 46 tattooed on my arm. 

Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

If I could have a superpower, I would definitely opt for teleportation. Imagine how great it would be to avoid the morning traffic :) 

Q: If you would have been given the chance to do a film score, what movie would you choose and why?

Definitely “Blow”. My favorite movie of all time! 

Q: Who has been the most influential in your music career? And who has been the most influential in your personal life?

On a musical level, definitely Jamie Jones, he’s my biggest source of inspiration. On a personal level I would say my family, they are always supportive of me and direct me towards the right path. 

Q: Could you share with us your journey – the good and bad experiences that have brought you to where you are today?

My journey began in the local clubs of my city, where I had the opportunity to challenge myself and develop my sound. I have faced challenges and learned from experiences, both positive and negative but today I am super proud to live off music and work at what I love to do 

Q: Everyone goes through ups and downs, what’s one habit you adopt to push through the downs?

Passion for music is what kept me motivated during difficult times. I always try to keep my passion alive by focusing on the things I love to do in my field and seeking inspiration even in the most negative moments. 

Q: What is one pro work ethic that you would recommend to the readers/listeners?

If making music that you're producing isn't working, taking a break helps! Sometimes coming back with fresh ears can give you a new perspective and allow you to spot problems you may not have noticed before.

Q: How has your music style evolved over the years?

My musical evolution over the years has been a journey and constantly changing. Over time I have tried to expand my influences, exploring new genres and creative approaches.

Q: If you were to venture into another music genre, which one would you choose and why?

Probably orchestral music, I love percussion, strings, and wind instruments


Q: Could you name 3 tracks that got you into electronic music and why?

There are many songs that made me fall in love with electronic music, but if I have to choose 3, then I would choose:

Hugg & Pepp – Mazarin

Danilo Vigorito – Dubbing Angels

Mathew Jonson – Panna Cotta 

Q: Can you recommend a hidden gem in your home country that would be perfect for a rave?

A hidden gem that is the perfect place for a rave would have to be the medieval castle of Murlo in my home town. 

Q: Could you tell us about your upcoming releases and plans for the year?

My next release is on Hottrax with Davide T and Side B. This is the fourth year in a row that I've released music on Jamie Jones' labels, I'm really excited! 2024 will be a year full of events in which I will be lucky enough to play in clubs even outside Europe.

Q: Can you share a fun fact about yourself that most of your listeners are probably unaware of?

Nothing comes to mind right now LOL

Bonus Q Powered by Pioneer DJ: How did Pioneer DJ influence your career and what is your favorite Pioneer DJ gear?

I've always used Pioneer gear, I still have my old CDJ 400.