Upercent on Spotify

Interviewed by GBS , April.28.2020

Previous Interview: Darin Epsilon

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This one needs no introduction, here's what Upercent had to say about his 14 fakts interview:  

Q: Favorite Club/Venue and why does it stand out from the rest?

Fusion Festival is another world. The list could be much expanded, but this one had a combination of freedom, nature, and unique eclecticism. I have fond memories of that trip to Germany.


Q: Analog or Digital? And why?

I always work in analog, it helps me feel more integrated with what I'm doing, and it's not that the digital has less quality, it's just a personal taste. I have worked for a long time in digital and it's only a matter of treating it correctly.


Q: What was the driving force that got you into DJing/Producing and when?

Some time ago I thought about this question, and like everyone else, there were connection points that made me come to it, childhood/adolescence and friendships would make it possible for me to have different styles, the music that was at home and the attraction for the creation was what drove me to do what I do today. Without a doubt, being born in Valencia has been the greatest link to direct me towards an electronic style.


Q: If you were to have a superpower, what would it be and why?

If I had it, I would apply ethics and morality in general permanently.


Q: If you had to play 1 more track at your favorite club, what track would it be and why?

Acid Arab - Stil

That kick breaks my mind :D


Q: What’s your biggest fear while performing?

The biggest fear is not enjoying it. The rest, I try to make it flow. I have learned that when you're going with the pressure to make it perfect, you only feed the fear of failure, in some way, you are also taking time away from the magical moment of the unexpected, avoiding what may happen spontaneously. So if I had to have a fear, it should be of myself!


Q: 1 person you’d dream to have a coffee with?

With my grandparents.

Q: If you would have been given the chance to do a film score from the past, what movie would you choose and why?

I would have loved the opportunity to be next to John Williams while he was composing the main theme of the "Schindler’s List" film, my contribution would have been to seeing and listening haha.


Q: Recommend a hidden gem in your home country that would fit a perfect rave
Any Church could be a great place, there are many in Spain.


Q: 3 Tracks that got you into electronic music

Burial - Archangel

Aphex Twin - Alberto Balsam

The Prodigy - Firestarter

Q: Tell us about your upcoming releases and plans for this year.

I have produced a lot of music in the last 2 years so I have a few releases to come out, one specifically with my friend and housemate Santiago Garcia. After COVID-19 the world is going to undergo a change and the music industry in particular, is going to evolve in other directions, it is time to adapt to it.

Q: Tell us a fun fact about yourself that most of your listeners don’t know.

I am very absent-minded, especially when I make music. It is not the first time I get home wearing 2 different shoes!

Q: Last but not least, do you have any questions for the viewers?

More than a question, thank those who have read this interview about atypical questions of my life and thank you and your staff for inviting me to your program.


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